Rose McGowan (Rose Arianna McGowan) was born on Wednesday, September 05, 1973 and is a famous actress. You wouldn't know it from her voice, but Rose McGowan's life began in Florence, Italy. Born to a French-American mother and an Irish father, Rose spent the first 10 years of her life in Florence without learning a word of English. Check Out her HD Photo Shoot...

Rose dated Matthew Lillard and amongst other famous relationships was Ahmet Zappa.
Rose McGowan has the wild-child personality and the sweet body to match it, making her a popular poster girl for many men. Rose McGowan has grown into a charming and alluring woman, often appearing in cleavage-pushing dresses that have tons of class. We'd say that if there were a modern-day Marilyn Monroe, Rose would be it. Don't Miss friends, Check out her sweetness..

No one's going to confuse Rose McGowan's acting abilities with those of Meryl Streep, but she has a knack for appearing in films that will keep cult audiences clapping and cheering for more. 2007's Grindhouse is a great example, but Rose has also starred in the horror smash Scream (1996), the dark indie The Doom Generation (1995) and the comedy Jawbreaker (1999). Take a look of this beauty...