He did bag accolades for his portrayal in 'Pankh', although the flick tanked without a trace. Amit Purohit, actor and Ranji Trophy cricket player who represented Madhya Pradesh, is all gung ho over 'Shobhna's Seven Nights', that showcases him alongside Raveena Tandon.
The actor's also garnered acclaim for his portrayal in the art-house film 'Bijuka', appreciated at film-festivals worldwide. That apart, he'll also be seen as the leader of a music-band in 'Aalaap'; a band that plays to enforce changes in society.
As of now, Amit is thrilled to the moon sharing screen space with co-star Raveena Tandon in 'Shobhna's Seven Nights', with whom he's canned sequences for "Raveena is very professional and makes every actor feel at ease," Amit is quoted to have said
Shobhna's Seven Nights' takes a sharp look at the giddy, hollow world of socialites and offers an insight into the underbelly of the film industry as viewed through the eyes of the author-columnist enacted by Raveena